how to play Christmas dice games

What is the Dice Game for Christmas Party?

Hey there, party people! If you’re gearing up for a fabulous Christmas party, you might be wondering how to keep the fun rolling and the laughter going. Well, one way to achieve that is by introducing the exciting “Dice Game for Christmas Party.” Trust me, it’s a real crowd-pleaser! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Christmas dice games and explore how you can make your holiday celebration even more memorable.

How Do You Play the Christmas Dice Game?

how to play Christmas dice games

So, you’ve got your festive decorations up, the holiday playlist on point, and a delicious spread of snacks. Now, it’s time to get the good times rolling with the Christmas dice game. Here’s how you can play it:

  1. Gather your guests around a table, preferably after the main meal when everyone’s feeling relaxed and merry.

  2. Provide each player with a festive, glittery, or just plain old regular six-sided die (you know, the one with the dots).

  3. Decide on a theme for your Christmas dice game, or you can keep it general and open to interpretation.

  4. Go around the table, and each player takes turns rolling the die. The number they roll corresponds to a specific action or consequence. Get creative with this part! For example:

  • Roll a 1: Swap your gift with the person to your left.

  • Roll a 2: Steal a gift from someone else.

  • Roll a 3: Sing a Christmas carol and pick a gift from the pile.

  • Roll a 4: Compliment someone’s ugly Christmas sweater and get a bonus gift.

  • Roll a 5: Everyone passes their gift to the right.

  • Roll a 6: Dance like nobody’s watching and grab two gifts from the pile.

Keep the game going until all the gifts have been distributed and everyone’s had their fair share of fun. It’s the perfect way to ensure that your guests get a good mix of holiday cheer and surprises!

What Are the Rules for the Dirty Santa Dice Game?

Now, if you’re feeling a bit mischievous, you might want to try the Dirty Santa variation of the Christmas dice game. Here’s the lowdown on how to spice up your gift exchange:

  1. Follow the same steps as the regular dice game, but with one twist – all gifts must be inexpensive, funny, or downright quirky.
  2. Instead of traditional gift-giving, you can introduce a “White Elephant” twist, where people can steal gifts from each other.
  3. The key is to keep the laughter going and the surprises coming. Just remember, there are no losers in this game, only winners of unique, entertaining, and sometimes peculiar gifts.

What Is the Danish Christmas Dice Game?

Now, if you’re intrigued by the global flavors of Christmas, why not give the Danish Christmas dice game a whirl? This is known as the “Pakkeleg” game, and it’s a blast!

how to play Christmas dice game
  1. Each player brings a small gift, making sure it’s all nicely wrapped up.
  2. Sit in a circle and take turns rolling the dice, with the same creative consequences we discussed earlier.
  3. The difference here is that when you roll, you get to choose a gift from the pile or steal one from someone else.
  4. The fun twist? Some of the gifts can be a bit sneaky. There might be a few pranks or trick gifts hidden among the good ones, so be prepared for a good laugh.

What Is the Christmas Gift Stealing Game?

how to play Christmas dnd dice game

Ah, the Christmas gift stealing game! This is a real hoot, and it’s also sometimes called “Yankee Swap” or “White Elephant.” Here’s how it works:

  1. Each player brings a wrapped gift, usually within a specified budget range.
  2. Arrange the gifts in a central location, making sure they’re all hidden under the wrappings.
  3. Draw numbers to determine the order in which players will select and unwrap a gift. Number one gets to choose first.
  4. When it’s your turn, you can either pick a new, mystery gift from the pile or “steal” an already opened gift from someone else. If your gift gets stolen, you get to choose again.
  5. Keep going until everyone’s had a chance to play, and trust me, it can get quite competitive and hilarious!

What Is the Dice Game for the White Elephant Game?

The dice game can be seamlessly incorporated into the White Elephant game. Just follow the steps of the regular Christmas dice game, but instead of individual actions, assign each number to a specific gift. When someone rolls the dice, they get to choose or steal a gift based on the number rolled.


So, there you have it – a festive and fun-filled guide to the dice game for Christmas party. Whether you’re playing it straight with traditional gifts or adding a twist of mischief with Dirty Santa or exploring global traditions like the Danish Christmas dice game, this game is bound to bring cheer and laughter to your holiday celebration. So, roll the dice, steal some gifts, and let the good times roll! 

You can find some Christmas gift ideas here Handmade Sharp Edge Dice

Happy holidays, and may your Christmas party be a jolly success!

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